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佛罗里达州迈阿密湖. (1月. 30, 2015) -南佛罗里达健康基金会获得了60美元的奖金,000 grant to AG亚游集团官方网站 to train school cafeteria managers to create healthy meals using produce from school gardens and for teachers to hold “Cafeteria Teach-Ins” demonstrating healthy table and eating practices.

AG亚游集团官方网站的项目是其可食用花园合作营养倡议(CNI)的一部分。. This new component launches in January in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Department of Food and 营养. The partnership showcases the district’s new wellness policy aimed at using school garden produce in meals served to students.

“Our goal is to have 100 percent of the cafeterias in our CNI program serving their school garden produce regularly, 学生们通过自助餐厅和食品店的指示牌推销菜园产品,琳达·莱赫特说, AG亚游集团官方网站主席. “有了这个项目, 我们将把食用花园课程带到孩子们每天吃饭的地方——自助餐厅.”

通过在自助餐厅的餐食中引入菜园农产品,并教授健康饮食习惯, AG亚游集团官方网站将完成一个从种子到餐桌的模式,该模式可以在该地区的所有学校采用. 目前, CNI在迈阿密戴德县的51所公立小学培训教师协助学生种植, 维护, 收获这些有机的可食用的花园. 教师将花园用作所有学科领域的教学实验室.

AG亚游集团官方网站’s edible garden program has improved students’ eating habits by 50 percent each year since its launch in 2007. 它被评为佛罗里达州最有前途的肥胖预防项目(FLICHQ), 2010年),并于2009年获得了由健康佛罗里达蓝色基金会颁发的著名蓝宝石奖.

南佛罗里达健康基金会, 非营利的资助组织, 致力于改善布劳沃德的健康状况, 迈阿密-戴德和门罗县. 通过推进卫生解决方案, 该基金会在确保获得负担得起的服务方面产生了可衡量和可持续的影响, 为所有居民提供优质保健服务. 自1993年以来,该基金会提供了超过1.08亿美元的赠款和项目支持. 更多信息,请致电305.374.7200或访问他们的网站,

AG亚游集团官方网站AG亚游集团官方网站学校带来创新的方法, 同时向社会宣传公共教育,并寻求私营部门对公共教育的投资. 由于其成功,AG亚游集团官方网站赢得了大迈阿密商会的NOVO奖等. Prior programs helped bring technology reform to the district and prepared select candidates for leadership positions at schools. 总的来说, we have leveraged more than $41 million to improve education for public school students and teachers in Miami-Dade. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

关于M-DCPS的食品部门 & 营养
The M-DCPS Department of Food and 营养’s mission is to support student achievement by providing high-quality nutrition programs for students. 该部门每年为学生提供超过1500万份早餐和3500万份午餐, 管理1.89亿美元的预算. The Department is committed to creating a healthy environment for all students and staff to perform at their highest physical, 知识, M-DCPS的创意水平. 欲了解更多信息,请访问